8:00pm Silver Award class
The dog and handler must have passed the Bronze Award before they can take the Silver Award. The Kennel Club have a detailed description of what the dog and handler will have learnt by the end of this course. This includes:
- Play with the Dog: Play adds an extra dimension to a dog's life and can be used to make training fun.
- Road Walk: test the ability of the dog to walk on a lead under control on a public highway
- Rejoin handler: the dog to remain steady, off lead, while the handler moves away, and to rejoin the handler when called
- Vehicle Control: That the dog will enter, stay in, and exit the car safely and under control
- Come away from Distractions
- Stay in one place without changing position: for two minutes with the handler nearby
- Controlled Greeting: without jumping up
- Food Manners: not to beg for or steal food
- Examination: by the examiner, of mouth, teeth, throat, eyes, ears and feet
- Responsibility and Care: Topics include a dog's needs, illness, responsibilities of ownership, other responsibilities, children, barking, dogs and stationary vehicles and vehicle travel
These awards are examined about every 2-3 months, when the majority of dogs in the class are ready. The classes cost £20 for a six-week course on top of the annual club membership fee.